Blog Archives | Rohini Ross - Part 31

Blog Archives

Lost Car Key Frenzy

Angus had an adventure with lost car keys. His fear of disappointing others got in the way of his clarity and he lost his bearings. He knew he was back on solid ground when he was able to find humor in the situation. Angus was able to see how he had been revving his thinking up not realizing he had lost his bearings. Knowing when we are in a storm of thinking is helpful because we recognize it will pass. It is also more obvious to be more gentle with ourselves as we ride out the distress and easier to...

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Help, I Am Hurting! Where is My Peace of Mind?

When I found myself writing similar messages to clients who were experiencing distress and who reached out for support, I thought it might be helpful to share my thoughts with a wider audience. Let me know in the comments if what I am sharing is helpful or if you have questions.   When you are upset it looks like another person or a circumstance is the cause of your distress. Your emotions make this feel very real. It does not occur to you that your experience is created inside of you. It is hard to have perspective and see that your thinking...

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Changing Habitual Thought Patterns

We all have habitual thought patterns. Neuroscience has coined Canadian neuropsychologist's phrase, “neurons that fire together wire together.” This is very useful for automated activities that we don’t want to have to relearn from scratch every time, but it becomes problematic when we develop negative neural pathways that become automatic like Angus constantly reinforcing his statement that he is tired rather than just getting on with his day. The good news is that science is revealing the resilience of the brain in its neuroplasticity. The brain is far more adaptive and flexible than previously thought.   When looking beyond our habituated thoughts...

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Healing Comes From a Shift in Understanding

I have been a fan of Tim Ferriss since he wrote The 4-Hour Workweek. I admire his zest for life and his willingness to try new things to improve the quality of his life. I also appreciate his generosity in sharing what he learns. I would love to have a conversation with him about the understanding of the Principles and innate mental health. I think it would reduce his suffering from depression and be a valuable understanding to share with his followers. Currently, he is providing significant support for psychedelic research, donating at least $100,000 to research on the use...

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Bossiness is in the Eye of the Beholder

This is not an example of Angus at his best with listening. He normally does a better job of disguising his inattentiveness, but it is a good example of how we each live in our own separate reality. I can think I am being helpful and Angus can think I am bossy. What is even more amazing is I can be doing the same thing and from one state of mind, Angus can see me as helpful and from another state of mind he can see me as bossy. I can also be completely blind to my bossiness and see...

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Love Is The Way Forward

I just watched the Royal Wedding of Prince Harry and Ms. Meghan Markle. I was surprised to find myself so deeply moved. I especially loved the rendition of ‘Stand By Me’ performed by Karen Gibson and the Kingdom Choir and Bishop Michael Curry’s Sermon. My favorite part of his sermon was:   …think and imagine a world where love is the way. Imagine our homes and families when love is the way. Imagine neighborhoods and communities where love is the way. Imagine governments and nations where love is the way. Imagine business and commerce when love is the way. Imagine this tired...

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Sh*t heads are love too!

Blooper included in the video highlighting our message that there is room for humanness in life. We don’t always have to be our best. The world doesn’t end when we get reactive. I used to feel so fragile in the face of Angus’ reactivity and irritability. I wanted him to change. It never occurred to me that I didn’t have to take his behavior personally. I didn’t realize it was even possible, and I was blind to my own reactivity.   I focused on his and ignored my own. I expected him to change. I badgered and complained and nagged. He would...

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Hold Infinity In The Palm of Your Hand and Do The Dishes

I am writing this the day before Mother’s Day. I have just finished giving my husband Angus specific instructions regarding what I would like the day to be like tomorrow. There have been too many Mother’s Days with tears. According to Angus because I am not his mother there isn’t any responsibility on his part to do anything. I see it differently. I am not one to miss an opportunity to be celebrated.   Even with these instructions, I am experiencing FOMO. There is the largest Three Principles Conference in the world starting in London tomorrow, and I decided not to go....

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He Said, She Said: Separate Realities and Germs

Angus and I live in separate realities when it comes to dirt and germs. He has a lot more thinking about them than I do. His coping mechanism for dealing with all that thought is hand sanitizer and hand washing. We aren’t going to see things the same way any time soon, but we have found a lighthearted way to be with each other about it. We can accept that reality looks different for us in this area and then find ways to navigate the differences that work for both of us.   I have to let go of my judgment that...

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Do You Ever Feel Worthless and Insecure and Want to Feel Better?

Are you struggling with feelings of insecurity? Does it look like these feelings get in the way of your success and being able to relax and enjoy your life?   I can absolutely relate. I used to be driven by my feelings of insecurity. I tried to outrun them by working hard. I pushed. I strived. I forced myself. I punished myself. I felt not good enough, and I believed I needed to work my way out of my low self-esteem. Self-improvement was my focus.   That was my coping mechanism. I got lots of positive acknowledgments from this on the outside. I...

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