Mental Health | Rohini Ross

Ego Crushing Reflections on Mother’s Day

I am writing this on Mother's Day as Angus and my eldest daughter are cooking brunch in the kitchen. It's a cool day compared to the last days that were really warm, but there is a clear blue sky and the bougainvillea's pink flowers are gently swaying in the breeze. I can hear clattering in the kitchen, but they seem to be working out their cooking differences amicable.   Our youngest daughter has chosen to enter a residential program for her mental health so she is not with us today. She wanted to attend a traditional program that had nothing to do...

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A Solution To Loneliness

I read this article in January long before the pandemic set in, "Most Americans Are Lonely, And Our Workplace Culture May Not Be Helping." The article cites a report from the health insurer Cigna that found that three in five Americans are lonely, a nearly 13% rise since 2018. A professor at the University of Utah who studies relationships and health says pervasive loneliness has widespread effects and is linked to mental health issues such as anxiety and depression. But the impacts don't end with mental health. He says, "Evidence is really pointing to the fact that relationships — the...

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The Rewilding Experience!

Find More Balance And Harmony.   A 29-day Journey of Rewilding An Area Of Your Life   April 27 - May 25, 2020   This is our gift to you during this time!   Rewilding is a term borrowed from conservationists used to describe restoring an area to its natural state. This 29-day experience will help you to bring an area of your life back into its natural state of balance and harmony.   The journey will benefit all areas below and more...

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Don’t Trust Your Low Mood Thoughts

We have been fighting a bug in our household that has impacted our state of mind. I woke up in a panic attack this morning. One of our daughters was freaking out yesterday, and Angus entered the darkness last weekend. Fortunately, we are all coming out the other side of it, and it has been helpful when we have remembered to not take our low mood thinking or the other person's low mood thinking seriously in the process. Hopefully, you find our experience helpful to you.   Here are the links I mentioned: 3PGC Online Conference that is happening this weekend   Dr. Amy Johnson's...

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Take The Pressure Off

Take the pressure off and just be you! This is what allows relationships to flourish. I did used to get more frustrated and critical with Angus' absentmindedness, but that was about me being caught up in my thoughts and not him. Now I usually find it endearing and often very humorous. We are encouraging you to stop making up expectations and putting pressure on yourself to live up to those made up expectations. Instead, recognize that who you are is more than enough. You are beautiful, magnificent, glorious exactly as you are no matter what your thoughts, feelings and behaviors...

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Angus Now Understands His Yoga Nightmare/Breakthrough More Deeply

Happy New Year!   A Thursday vlog for a change because Angus and I are going away to celebrate his entry into a new decade. Listen in to hear about his latest senior moment. I don’t actually think it is a senior moment. Angus has been absentminded ever since I met him. Suffice to say that saki and lemonade are not to his tastes.   And Angus shares about his breakdown/breakthrough moment in yoga camp in New Mexico with greater insight. Hopefully, this reminds you that you can leave your thinking alone and look beyond it to experience the peace and potential that lies...

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Do You Try To Be A Bomb Disposal Expert With Your Partner’s Upset?

Angus used to feel like he was trying to defuse a bomb with oven mitts on when I was upset. He didn't realize that his job was not to fix my problems. He thought he couldn't be happy if I wasn't happy. And the more he tried to make me happy the more upset I became. Now Angus and I both know that happiness comes from within. He realizes that no matter how emotional I get, I will eventually stabilize. And I have learned to not trust my low mood thinking. I am skeptical of it so I don't get...

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The Ordinariness of Happiness and Peace of Mind!

Wishing you a Happy, Healthy and Prosperous New Year filled with love! May you remember that you are enough exactly as you are and that peace and contentment are your true nature. They are your birthright. There is nothing extra you need to do to experience the essence of who you are. Knowing what direction to look in and letting go, relaxing, allowing and being open is all it takes. You can’t work at it.   I’m looking forward to the upcoming New Year Fresh Start Workshop that Barb Patterson and I are co-facilitating this weekend in Santa Monica! We have a...

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My Most Shameful Experience Pointed Me Toward Freedom

As preparation for the Soul-Centered Series free webinar with Jack Pransky, I read his latest book Seduced by Consciousness. I really enjoyed the first book I read of his, Somebody Should Have Told Us and was not disappointed with this one. In the book, Jack shares his insights into relationships. And it reminded me of a very painful learning curve I experienced in my marriage.   In the early days of being married to Angus, I would occasionally find myself attracted to another man. It would never be intentional. It would just happen and then it would pass. I would get over...

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Invisible State of Mind

It amazes me that my state of mind can be invisible to me. What I mean by that is that in my perception I think I am okay and in my right mind, but actually, I am destabilized. It is obvious to me when I am feeling extremes of upset, but what I share about in the Vlog is more subtle. Now I know when Angus says I am being stern, critical or on my high horse, he is probably right. He is picking up on my feeling state.   Normally I think he is the crazy one and just out of...

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