personal development | Rohini Ross

The Rewilding Experience!

Join us for the FREE Rewilding Experience. A 29-day Journey of Rewilding An Area Of Your Life. Allow yourself to return to more balance and harmony. The program begins April 27 - May 25, 2020. This is our gift to you during this time. Click on the link to learn more:   Angus & Rohini Ross are "the Rewilders." They love working with couples and helping them to reduce conflict and discord in their relationships by pointing them to their innate wisdom and understanding. They work with couples who are struggling and couples who would like to deepen the love and...

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Resolving Relationship Problems (or any other kind of problem)

I was the consummate self-help fanatic attending numerous workshops and trainings to improve myself. Years ago on one of these five-day trainings, on the last day when everyone was completely blissed out, I decided to share. But I didn’t share my gratitude for everything I had experienced or for the greater freedom I was feeling. I did experience those things, but instead, I moved swiftly on to the next problem I could see. My thinking was, "Yeah, that’s really nice inner peace, freedom, true nature whatever, but I still have this problem. My relationship is still a problem. I am...

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The Simple Way To An Easier Relationship

Our personal realities can look so separate and different. Angus has a very unique approach to taking care of an upset stomach and it works for him!   Understanding how separate our realities can look and recognizing that our experience comes from that unique reality we create is so helpful in relationships. In the example shared here, I got caught up in my personal version of reality where it felt like I was bad, wrong, not good enough, and it looked like Angus was responsible for me feeling that way. But that is not the truth.   That experience was a temporary reality that...

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Microdosing Truth

Angus comes up with a wacky metaphor of how we are all microdosing on truth whether we realize it or not. AND we all have the opportunity to choose to look within to truth and see what gets revealed to us. It is so easy to get preoccupied with having more experiences of pleasure and fewer experiences of pain that we don't realize there is another option altogether that is to step outside of the cycle. Without even changing it, stepping outside and having perspective on it gives us more peace and freedom. There is nothing wrong with our humanness...

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Take The Pressure Off

Take the pressure off and just be you! This is what allows relationships to flourish. I did used to get more frustrated and critical with Angus' absentmindedness, but that was about me being caught up in my thoughts and not him. Now I usually find it endearing and often very humorous. We are encouraging you to stop making up expectations and putting pressure on yourself to live up to those made up expectations. Instead, recognize that who you are is more than enough. You are beautiful, magnificent, glorious exactly as you are no matter what your thoughts, feelings and behaviors...

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Angus Now Understands His Yoga Nightmare/Breakthrough More Deeply

Happy New Year!   A Thursday vlog for a change because Angus and I are going away to celebrate his entry into a new decade. Listen in to hear about his latest senior moment. I don’t actually think it is a senior moment. Angus has been absentminded ever since I met him. Suffice to say that saki and lemonade are not to his tastes.   And Angus shares about his breakdown/breakthrough moment in yoga camp in New Mexico with greater insight. Hopefully, this reminds you that you can leave your thinking alone and look beyond it to experience the peace and potential that lies...

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Toy Drive & Taking Things Personally

Our friend Paige is helping coordinate a toy drive for the 100 children at the San Fernando Valley Refugee Children's Center, in North Hills, CA   Many of the unaccompanied minors were in detention centers at the border and are hoping to get asylum. The little kids are with a parent and they have all escaped gangs and potential murder, back in Central America.   The Center:   Here is the link for the toy drive wish list. When you order, please choose this address when it gives the prompt: Kelly Radinsky's Gift Registry. Click here for the link.   Regarding the Vlog, understand that it is normal...

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Following Inclinations and Christmas Tree Disposal

Angus having to dispose of our Christmas tree in a creative way because he missed the green bin helped him to experience the value of taking action on his inclinations even when he thought they weren’t going to go anywhere. I love that our inner promptings guide us in big and small ways. Often times our intellect tries to talk us out of taking action because it can’t make sense of it. But there is a deeper wisdom at play that we don’t have to figure out. It is only through taking action, moving forward, and gaining momentum that we...

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The Space: A Global Mastermind for Solopreneurs

Are you a solopreneur, out there on your own trying to grow your business? Would you love to have a small team helping you expand your thinking, get creative and take your results to new levels? Would you benefit from having 2 guides and mentors that have been there?   If so, please check out The Space: A Global Mastermind for Solopreneurs. Barb Patterson and I created this virtual mastermind because we have seen the power of masterminds in our own businesses. Combing the collective wisdom of the group, with the understanding of the principles behind performance creates a rich, robust and holistic experience.   We...

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The Art of a Peaceful Mind Kim Root Interview with Rohini Ross

In this interview is Rohini Ross shares:   How you can get to the peace without so much work   Don’t skip over the ordinary   How relationships can heal   Rohini Ross is passionate about helping people wake up to their full potential. She is a transformative coach, leadership consultant, a regular blogger for Thrive Global, and author of the short-read Marriage (The Soul-Centered Series Book 1) available on Amazon. You can get her free ebook Relationships here. Rohini currently has an international coaching and consulting practice based in Los Angeles helping individuals, couples, and professionals embrace all of who they are so they...

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