The Simple Way To An Easier Relationship
Our personal realities can look so separate and different. Angus has a very unique approach to taking care of an upset stomach and it works for him!
Understanding how separate our realities can look and recognizing that our experience comes from that unique reality we create is so helpful in relationships. In the example shared here, I got caught up in my personal version of reality where it felt like I was bad, wrong, not good enough, and it looked like Angus was responsible for me feeling that way. But that is not the truth.
That experience was a temporary reality that passed quickly especially because I didn’t react to it. I allowed myself to simply be with what was present. Then without effort on my end, my reality shifted. Angus looked different. I felt different. That is the nature of human experience to be constantly in flux and changing.
Recognizing the truth of that helped me to wait it out, and in the lack of my resistance my passing experience shifted into the background, and I got to experience more of the reflection of what doesn’t change.
I came back into a lighthearted loving feeling. The impersonal nature of who I am felt more real than the very personal hurt and upset that dominated my experience previously.
Angus and I share this to show how simple and ordinary this is. We are not perfect. We are not enlightened. Yet a small glimpse into understanding who we are and who we are not goes a very long way to making relationships and life gentler and more graceful. If we can do it you can too, so you can enjoy more of who you are and express that into the world.
Angus & Rohini Ross are “the Rewilders”. They love working with couples and helping them to reduce conflict and discord in their relationships by opening them up to their innate vitality and resilience. They work with couples who are struggling and couples who would like to deepen the love and intimacy they already have. They co-facilitate individualized couples intensives that rewild relationships back to their natural state of love. Rohini is the author of Marriage (The Soul-Centered Series Book 1), and they are co-founders of The Soul-Centered Series: Psychology, Spirituality and the Teachings of Sydney Banks. You can also subscribe to Rohini’s weekly blog that includes their weekly Vlog on her website,
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