Personal Development | Rohini Ross

Coach Practitioner Training

This six-month immersive program is inspired by the teachings of Sydney Banks. It is for anyone who wants to open up to new possibilities related to being of service. I am centering guest faculty voices that are diverse and offering scholarships so finances are not a barrier to participation. Click here to learn more.   Rohini Ross is passionate about helping people wake up to their full potential. She is a transformative coach, leadership consultant, regular contributor to Thrive Global, and author of the short-read Marriage. You can get her free eBook Relationships here. Rohini has an international coaching and consulting practice...

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The Rewilding Experience!

Join us for the FREE Rewilding Experience. A 29-day Journey of Rewilding An Area Of Your Life. Allow yourself to return to more balance and harmony. The program begins April 27 - May 25, 2020. This is our gift to you during this time. Click on the link to learn more:   Angus & Rohini Ross are "the Rewilders." They love working with couples and helping them to reduce conflict and discord in their relationships by pointing them to their innate wisdom and understanding. They work with couples who are struggling and couples who would like to deepen the love and...

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The Rewilding Experience!

Find More Balance And Harmony.   A 29-day Journey of Rewilding An Area Of Your Life   April 27 - May 25, 2020   This is our gift to you during this time!   Rewilding is a term borrowed from conservationists used to describe restoring an area to its natural state. This 29-day experience will help you to bring an area of your life back into its natural state of balance and harmony.   The journey will benefit all areas below and more...

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Seeing Psychological Innocence Is Not The Same As Being A Doormat

There can be confusion between seeing someone's psychological innocence and condoning their behavior. The two are often conflated. This Vlog hopefully clarifies this and if it doesn't please leave questions in the comments below.   Angus & Rohini Ross are "the Rewilders". They love working with couples and helping them to reduce conflict and discord in their relationships by opening them up to their innate vitality and resilience. They work with couples who are struggling and couples who would like to deepen the love and intimacy they already have. They co-facilitate individualized couples intensives that rewild relationships back to their natural state...

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Blame and Relationships

[embed][/embed]   Angus has a love-hate relationship with the Vlog and we have that with each other at times. This morning is an example of us falling into blame with each other making the other person responsible for our low moods. Fortunately, we take our blind spots lightly and eventually remember the feelings will pass. Blame is just a misguided attempt to feel better. But when we remember that feelings change and experience comes and goes naturally there is no need to resort to blame. The feeling of warmth and love in the relationship doesn’t need to be sacrificed just because our state...

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Angus Unchained

Rohini is getting over her Valentine's Day "grinchiness" and getting into the spirit of the day. Angus shares what he is seeing around the profound resilience we each have inside to regulate. We don't need to regulate ourselves. Our design is to regulate. No experience is wrong or abnormal it is all just part of the experience of being human. Seeing this helps us to be more comfortable with whatever our experience is.   Rohini can see how her resistance to her experience would often lead to conflict between Angus and her because she would try to self-regulate through regulating him. It...

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Resolving Relationship Problems (or any other kind of problem)

I was the consummate self-help fanatic attending numerous workshops and trainings to improve myself. Years ago on one of these five-day trainings, on the last day when everyone was completely blissed out, I decided to share. But I didn’t share my gratitude for everything I had experienced or for the greater freedom I was feeling. I did experience those things, but instead, I moved swiftly on to the next problem I could see. My thinking was, "Yeah, that’s really nice inner peace, freedom, true nature whatever, but I still have this problem. My relationship is still a problem. I am...

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The Simple Way To An Easier Relationship

Our personal realities can look so separate and different. Angus has a very unique approach to taking care of an upset stomach and it works for him!   Understanding how separate our realities can look and recognizing that our experience comes from that unique reality we create is so helpful in relationships. In the example shared here, I got caught up in my personal version of reality where it felt like I was bad, wrong, not good enough, and it looked like Angus was responsible for me feeling that way. But that is not the truth.   That experience was a temporary reality that...

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Microdosing Truth

Angus comes up with a wacky metaphor of how we are all microdosing on truth whether we realize it or not. AND we all have the opportunity to choose to look within to truth and see what gets revealed to us. It is so easy to get preoccupied with having more experiences of pleasure and fewer experiences of pain that we don't realize there is another option altogether that is to step outside of the cycle. Without even changing it, stepping outside and having perspective on it gives us more peace and freedom. There is nothing wrong with our humanness...

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Take The Pressure Off

Take the pressure off and just be you! This is what allows relationships to flourish. I did used to get more frustrated and critical with Angus' absentmindedness, but that was about me being caught up in my thoughts and not him. Now I usually find it endearing and often very humorous. We are encouraging you to stop making up expectations and putting pressure on yourself to live up to those made up expectations. Instead, recognize that who you are is more than enough. You are beautiful, magnificent, glorious exactly as you are no matter what your thoughts, feelings and behaviors...

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