Mental Health | Rohini Ross - Part 3

Healing Comes From a Shift in Understanding

I have been a fan of Tim Ferriss since he wrote The 4-Hour Workweek. I admire his zest for life and his willingness to try new things to improve the quality of his life. I also appreciate his generosity in sharing what he learns. I would love to have a conversation with him about the understanding of the Principles and innate mental health. I think it would reduce his suffering from depression and be a valuable understanding to share with his followers. Currently, he is providing significant support for psychedelic research, donating at least $100,000 to research on the use...

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Owning Anger to Find More Peace in Marriage

My husband Angus said to me recently that I have not been myself. He said I have had more an edge, been more critical, more impatient, more controlling, and more condescending than usual. What surprised me is that I had not noticed it. I didn't think I was perfect, but I also didn't think I was any different than usual.   We all have our blind spots. Someone might talk over people and not notice it, another person might not listen and still think they are a good listener, for me I often don't see my anger. I notice it in my...

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The World Needs More Heart

I am looking forward to participating in the Resiliency Track for The Awesome Event happening this weekend October 27-29 in Charlottesville, VA. In-person and virtual tickets are still available. Considering recent events in the town, it feels poignant that an event focused on awakening the human potential and for inspiring solutions is being held there. Greater access to and a deeper experience of resilience is one of the most clear and practical benefits of having an understanding of the Three Principles. Understanding how the mind works and our innate ability to experience the infinite, formless potential of our true nature is...

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How is a Spiritual Understanding Helpful When You Feel Overwhelmed?

I have been navigating some turbulent times. Difficult things are happening around me, an unexpected death, bad news for a friend related to a serious health diagnosis. Wonderful things are happening too, a new corporate client, the successful launch of The Engaged Space experiment with Barb Patterson. I am also being called to stretch beyond my comfort zone and present as an expert witness in a deposition. It feels like a lot.   I know my internal experience comes from inside of me.  I understand that my feeling state is created from my own thoughts in each moment and is not a result...

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