Blog Archives | Rohini Ross - Part 29

Blog Archives

White Bumps Are Neutral: I Can Live in Heaven or create Hell

I do not consider myself a vain person. I tend not to fuss too much about my clothes or wear a lot of makeup. On the day that Angus and I first met, my hairdresser asked me to come in the back door and go up the back stairs so I wouldn’t be seen before he had time to do a makeover on me. I was a student at the time and got free haircuts if I agreed to model for him. Angus was the photographer flown in to do the shoot. My hairdresser was concerned I wouldn't get picked...

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How the Principles Helped Me Go From One Foot Out the Door to Being “All In” in my Marriage

In this 3PGC webinar, Rohini speaks to how the understanding of the Principles transformed her relationship with herself and her husband. Instead of being at the effect of her insecure thinking, she was able to find an inner foundation of security that allowed her to be “all-in” in her marriage and her life.   Become a 3PGC member: and receive all the email announcements about the webinars and more.   Rohini Ross is the founder and presenter of The Soul-Centered Series: Psychology, Spirituality and the Teachings of Sydney Banks that starts October 2018 in Santa Monica, CA. She is passionate about helping people...

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The Soul-Centered Series Webinar with Cathy Casey

In this Webinar, Cathy shares her rich experience of sharing the Principles over the years. I loved hearing the story of her first meeting Sydney Banks. She makes the understanding so accessible, and I appreciated her profound acceptance of her humanity -- Enjoy!   If you would like to learn more about the six-month program The Soul-Centered Series: Psychology, Spirituality, and the Teachings of Sydney Banks click here....

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Low Moods Pass Naturally

Our thinking can get really stirred up at times. The main warning sign that this is happening is a low mood. Low moods, however, don’t mean anything about us. They are temporary states of mind and will naturally pass. The less we do anything about them, and the less we try to fix our mood, the quicker we find ourselves back at normal. It is, however, helpful to know when our thinking is stirred up. We can then take that into consideration as we live life. If Angus had taken this into account, he might have paid more attention when...

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The Freedom of Not Being Important

I have been working on video recordings to promote The Soul-Centered Series coming up in the fall. I am used to doing weekly Vlogs with my husband Angus, but I am less used to recording video when it is just me. I noticed my increased level of preparation and reticence to speak off the cuff. Of course, the feedback I got was to speak more from my heart.   I am so grateful that my insecure thinking and behavior amuses me now. I see that I got caught up in a layer of thought that was saying I am not enough. Even...

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Dirty Smoothie Glasses Are Not the Source of Upset

There are some practical tips in this Vlog like how to stop a golden retriever from throwing up on your rug. There is also a common sense advisory on not forcing a pregnant woman with morning sickness to eat. But an additional tip on what to do if you do. However, the main teaching point is the one that Angus and I speak to all the time. It is, our experience does not come from circumstance.   It comes from our thoughts in the moment. Living in day-to-day life, the illusion of our feelings being caused by other people or circumstances like...

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You Are a Miracle and Looking Toward Your Miraculous Nature is Very Practical

How is the understanding that we are spiritual beings having a human experience helpful within the practical context of living the human experience? How does understanding there is no self, and we are living in an illusion help when the form of our experience requires food, water, shelter, and air, and when there are activities to do and agreements to keep. There is never a problem with our formless nature that is just bliss, but the actual human experience can feel very removed from the understanding that we are living in the illusion of our individuality and the world of...

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Rohini’s Nocturnal Foibles

I have a reputation of being able to sleep through anything other than the slightest of electronic sounds. Angus makes a good point in the Vlog that the difference is that I have more thinking about electronic noises and judgments about him not turning off his phone than I do about other sounds and that is why I don’t sleep through them. Just another example of how thought creates our experience. So useful to be able to see the role thought plays in life. In a very practical way, I might just get less bothered when Angus forgets to turn...

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The Soul-Centered Series Webinar with Dicken Bettinger

In this webinar, Dicken shares how the teachings of Sydney Banks shifted his work as a psychologist and his own views on personal development. Sydney Banks was the first person Dicken heard say that everyone has innate wellbeing inside of them but for their thinking.   If you would like to learn more about the six-month program The Soul-Centered Series: Psychology, Spirituality, and the Teachings of Sydney Banks click here.  ...

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The Game of Life — No One Gets Out Alive

I am married to an Englishman who loves football, or soccer as they call it in the US,  so I have been watching many of the World Cup soccer games and really enjoying them. I am actually surprised at how much fun I’ve been having. There have been a lot of nail-biter finishes being decided by penalty shootouts. I’ve found myself not wanting to look and being compelled to look at the same time. The pressure has felt intense and enjoyable even if the team I was rooting for didn’t make it.   What I noticed is that when I experience...

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