love and relationships | Rohini Ross - Part 18

Marriage: The First Ten Years Were the Hardest

My husband, Angus, and I received a lovely compliment recently. I was asked how long we have been married. When I replied twenty-two years, the person who asked was surprised. She said, "I thought you were newlyweds." This made me smile. I recognized how much love and appreciation I have for Angus now. Funnily enough, this is not how I felt as a newlywed.   Angus and I did go through our honeymoon phase, but that ended before we got married. When we were first married, and for quite some time after, our relationship was challenging. We were both working in the...

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Delicious Relationships Are Created, not Found

I felt some sadness this morning while looking at our silverware. It was a wedding gift, and I noticed how many pieces were missing. I remember making the decision to use our wedding cutlery in our day-to-day lives. I wanted to enjoy it rather than bring it out only for special occasions. It felt right to use it, and appreciate it.   The disappearing cutlery has been going on for some time. I first noticed that our teaspoons were getting low. When I saw this, I accused my husband, Angus, of throwing them away because he can be absent minded at times....

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Romantic Love: A Sophisticated Bait-and-Switch Tactic

[vc_row row_type="row" type="full_width" text_align="left" video="" css_animation=""][vc_column][vc_column_text]Romantic love is one of the more sophisticated cons out there. Most of us have, at one time or another, felt the euphoria of "being in love". It might last for two minutes, two days, two weeks, two months, or two years, and then like a thief sneaking out under cover of darkness, the feeling disappears along with the rose colored glasses we saw our partner through. We are now left viewing them under the harsh glare of fluorescent lights that accentuate every character flaw and give the impression of weaknesses that don't even exist....

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See How You Can Have Less Suffering in Your Relationship From This Post Fight Breakdown

  “I really hate you right now. How can I know this is thought and still feel the way I do?” — Angus to Rohini   Emotions are so powerful they light up our physical senses. They create such a compelling experience it is hard to see the silent hand of thought in the process. It really looks like external events or people are the direct cause of our hurt and anger.   My husband and I decided to debrief an upset we experienced recently so we could get a deeper understanding for ourselves and hopefully provide some helpful and practical information for others.   We are...

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How Relationships Can Be a Catalyst for Growth in Consciousness

If the doors of perception were cleansed every thing would appear to man as it is, Infinite. For man has closed himself up, till he sees all things thro’ narrow chinks of his cavern.   —   William Blake, The Marriage of Heaven and Hell   Coaching is about achieving goals. Spiritual understanding helps us recognize there is nowhere to go because we have wellbeing and peace within. Soul-Centered coaching recognizes the spiritual context and supports clients with experiencing an upward shift in consciousness so they can enjoy greater levels of wellbeing and peace. The by-product of this growth is that clients see...

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It Is Possible to Go From Super Sensitive to Anti-fragile in a Relationship

My husband and I have been married for 23 years. Our relationship began with a love at first sight moment with all of the fireworks and giddiness that go along with that experience. I've heard one of my teachers, Ron Hulnick, say many times, when that happens, run in the opposite direction. However, having the optimism and insight of a 24-year-old, I ran straight into the flame.   The laws of gravity seem to apply to relationships as well. What goes up must come down. My husband and I have experienced tremendous highs and lows in our relationship. There aren’t many challenges...

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