Spiritual Development | Rohini Ross - Part 7

He Said, She Said: Cultural Differences Don’t Have to Create Drama

Angus accuses Rohini of being a barbarian because of how she holds her fork, and she manages to not stab him with it. That is progress! They discuss how cultural differences are made up, and how it is possible to move beyond them. Love is what matters!   Angus and Rohini love to work with couples and help them reduce conflict and discord so they can experience more love and harmony in their relationships. They co-facilitate individualized three-day couple's retreats that support the deepening of connection and understanding. We work with couples who are struggling and couples who would like to deepen the...

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He Said, She Said: Letting Go and Getting Reflective Beats Freaking Out

Angus and I are spending a few days in a northern paradise while we attend the 3P school. I love what Angus shares about how as soon as he stopped focusing on his upset and got more reflective, his mind relaxed, and he got the information he needed. I can certainly relate! When I get caught up in my thoughts of stress and worry it is such a relief to be able to unglue myself and drop into my natural state. I was really moved by his experience of connecting more deeply with his true nature and knowing the intelligence...

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There is No Solid You — You Are Infinite Potential

I was in a discussion group this week and writer's block was mentioned. It never occurred to me that I could get writer's block. Then as soon as I started thinking about it, I started to worry about it happening to me. It was the equivalent of medical student's disease. This happens when medical students experience the symptoms of the disease they are studying. I started to bring the experience of writer's block into fruition just by thinking about it.   It was interesting to watch me bring something I had never considered before into my experience and make it feel real simply by thinking...

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Under Pressure: Until We See How We Make The Pressure Up

I wrote in a Facebook comment for Angus' and my Vlog that perhaps we should stop calling what we do transformational coaching and call it "just be yourself coaching".  In response, a friend sent me a text saying, "You aren't coaches. You are modeling humanity and human-ness." This struck a chord within me. Angus and I do help people to experience greater levels of success both personally and professionally by helping them to embrace their humanness. As a by-product of this, they have a deeper connection with their true nature. This takes the pressure off of them so they can...

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He Said, She Said: Helping People Be Themselves

Angus finds it ludicrous that what we do is help people to be themselves until he realizes it is true. There is so much conditioned thinking that we buy into, we don't realize how much pressure we put on ourselves. It becomes invisible to us, and it is so freeing to break free from the limiting beliefs and just be ourselves. Not only does it feel better, but our performance improves in all areas of life both professionally and personally.   Angus and Rohini love to work with couples and help them reduce conflict and discord so they can experience more love and...

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Waking Up to Our True Nature Is the Solution

I used to think my spiritual awakening needed me to work on myself. I thought if I did enough spiritual practices or personal growth work that I would arrive somewhere. I thought I could speed up the process, and feared I would miss the boat if I was a slacker. Then at a completely unexpected time, I experienced perfection in the moment. I felt the peace and bliss I had been looking for all along.   What surprised me was that nothing had changed. I had not changed. All of the things I thought I needed to get rid of were all...

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Real Wisdom is Measured by an Open Heart

When I entered the U.K. on my latest trip, I was asked by the customs official what I do for a living. I thought I would keep it simple and rather than tell him all of the things I do from coaching, to training, to therapy, I told him I am a psychotherapist and here for a conference. Unfortunately, he didn't know what a psychotherapist was so he asked me to explain what I do. I shared that I help people to connect with their mental health so they suffer less. He then wanted to know what training I needed...

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Live Big and Bold Not Perfect!

I help people wake up more fully to the perfection of who they are -- exactly as they are. Success is the by-product of allowing our natural genius to express itself. We get better results in all areas of our life as a result of experiencing our true nature and allowing our deeper wisdom to guide us.   In my life, this meant surrendering my perfectionism and workaholism. These behaviors were the result of me thinking my personal mind was in charge and in control. My wisdom now helps me to see this is far from the truth and guides me to...

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The Paradox of Low Moods and Innate Wellbeing

I have a reputation for being an experimenter with my health. I came across naturopathic medicine in my twenties, and my eyes were opened to the myriad of holistic choices there are to support physical health. However, sometimes things don't work out well when I take matters into my own hands. There was the time I had a rash on my chest, and I put a garlic poultice on it. The application became incredible painful. I just assumed that meant it was working. I ended up with a second-degree burn and a scar that lasted for years. Another time I...

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We All Draw From the Same Well of Infinite Potential

One of my clients asked me recently if I believed everyone has the same capacity for empathy? I believe we do. At our core we are all loving beings with the same infinite potential of our formless nature. We may not, however, all share it in the same way. I realized he asked the question because not everybody demonstrates the same amount of empathy. In fact, even on a personal level we don’t consistently show the same amount of empathy in each situation. We all have different levels of being aware of and experiencing our true nature, but this doesn’t mean...

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