Spiritual Development | Rohini Ross - Part 6

A Reformed Commitment-Phobe: Who Knew a Relationship Could be so Fun and Easy

I watched the 3PGC Webinar with George and Linda Pransky this week about relationships. I loved what they shared about the importance of goodwill and being on the same team. There was also another theme that really struck a chord with me and that was related to commitment. Linda Pransky said something along the lines of it is simply easier to be 100% committed in a relationship because it takes a lot of thinking off the table. I found this to be absolutely congruent with my experience, but what was interesting to me was how I got to being committed. I realized...

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You Can’t Stop Negative Thoughts, But You Don’t Have to Take Them Seriously

Sometimes new clients think the understanding I share with them is too simple, and even long-term clients in a moment of distress can get frustrated and want me to give them something to do rather than point them in the direction of how their experience is created. It is always my intention to help my clients reduce their suffering. I believe the best way to do this is to help them see more clearly the full picture of where their experience comes from rather than giving them techniques and strategies to deal with a very narrow part of it. Trying to...

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The Problem is Fear. The By-Product is Violence. The Solution is Love.

The enemy is fear. We think it is hate; but it is fear. ~ Gandhi   I remember waiting on the platform of the underground in London when the station was flooded with skinheads. I felt fear and did my best to be as unobtrusive as possible. I know not all skinheads are fascist neo-Nazi’s, but I was afraid. I was no longer with people on the platform. I was with an “other” that scared me.   As I watched the news of the violence in Charlottesville, and heard about more upcoming white supremacist marches across the United States, I felt disturbed and sad....

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He Said, She Said: Isolation Tank Mishaps

I thought it would be fun to experience a float. So Angus and I signed up to go in isolation tanks for two hours. I was concerned I might get claustrophobic, but it turns out I had quite a relaxing time of it. Angus on the other hand was up and down like a jack-in-the box.   Angus and Rohini are both coaches. They work with individuals, leaders and organizations to increase performance and success. They also love working with couples and helping them reduce conflict and discord so they can experience more love and harmony in their relationships. They co-facilitate individualized...

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Don’t Miss Out on Life Waiting to Hear Your Wisdom

This week I had the pleasure of being a guest on Phil Goddard's The Coaching Life Podcast. At the end of the podcast he summed up a theme from the interview as the importance of listening for what is right for you and taking action on it. I wholeheartedly agree, but it does make it sound like I knew what I was doing all along. When in fact, much of the time, especially when I was younger, I was more of an impulsive risk taker rather than a reflective listener. What I see now as most important is recognizing my...

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Rebels Unleashed – Dealing with problems in a relationship! A different take!

Maggie G founder of Rebels Unleashed interviews me.   Rohini and I talk about her story, the story of her marriage to be exact, the crisis, the conflict, the misunderstandings and the divorce on the horizon. How did they manage to get over their problems and not only stay together but thrive as a happy couple today? We will be discussing the difference between the conventional approach to solving problems in relationships versus a different approach, a new understanding of where the problems actually come from.   Thank you for watching! Join Rebels Unleashed on Facebook! :-) https://www.facebook.com/rebelsunleas...

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Recovering From Perfectionism by Seeing Self-Worth Doesn’t Exist

After all the great religions have been preached and expounded, man is still confronted with the Great Mystery -- Luther Standing Bear   The second Mastermind for Solopreneurs that Barb Patterson and I co-facilitate is coming to completion next week. One of the themes we explored in the program is getting comfortable in the unknown. I catch myself at times thinking "I" (meaning my intellect/ego) am running my life. This, of course, includes my business. However, the magic happens when I see the bigger picture and recognize that life is really powered by a source much greater than me. It is so...

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Deep Peace Cannot be Destroyed — Not even by Teenagers

I was participating in the Global Peace & Love Meditation on Sunday facilitated by Julianne Chazotte. While listening to her guided meditation, I was filled with deep feelings of love and peace. It felt so blissful. I thought about the simplicity of every person on the planet feeling these beautiful feelings and connecting with the oneness and universality of the human experience. I saw how world peace is possible. No sooner did I have that thought, I remembered how I had not been feeling particularly peaceful lately with regard to my two daughters. I thought, "How can world peace be...

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You are the Dreamer: See that and You See Your Infinite Potential

This thought occurred to me this week, "Our job is not to change the dream. It is to wake up from the dream, and then dream the dream from that awakening." Once we see we are the dreamer, we live in the dream in a completely different way.   All of the how to programs out there focus on how to change our experience in the dream -- how to enjoy the dream more with greater inner peace or more toys. Inner or outer, it doesn't really matter if we don't know we are the dreamer. Whether we are trying to change our thinking...

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Change is Easy When Reality is Paper-Thin

I have been thinking about how amazing it is that we each live in our own separate reality that we create. We see our thinking and feel it. Each of us experiences the world uniquely. Our reality looks very solid and consistent, but we are creating it moment to moment. As one of my clients said recently, reality is paper-thin. In fact, it is even thinner than that. Thought has no weight and can shift in an instant.   That is how easy it is to change. We have a fresh thought, an insight, a realization. We see something new beyond the projection...

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