Spiritual Development | Rohini Ross - Part 12

Stop Trying to Escape Your Humanness and Surrender to Your Loving Essence

If the only thing people learned was not to be afraid of their experience, that alone would change the world. — Sydney Banks   Wellbeing and peace exist within us. They are a state of mind, a level of consciousness, we can all experience. The only thing that gets in the way of us residing in that state of mind is when we get gripped by anxious thoughts that take us out of our natural capacity for equanimity. When this happens there is no doing needed. We can simply relax and let our thoughts settle so we can fall back into our natural...

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Jump Off the Tightrope of Perfectionism and Fall to Your Bliss

I usually have an idea that pops into my mind each week to write about in my blog. This week the theme of perfectionism showed up, and how apropos that when I started to write about it nothing came forward. It is fitting that this subject brings on immediate writer’s block. Just thinking about it is enough to stifle the creative juices. It makes me laugh to think how easy it is for certain conditioned thoughts to look so real that they don’t even look like thoughts at all. It is like wearing virtual reality goggles without knowing you have...

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Wouldn’t the World Be a Better Place With a Little Love in Your Heart?

A client shared the most wonderful metaphor with me. He said, “I feel silly because now it looks like I was standing in one inch of water screaming and terrified that I was drowning.” This is what a shift in consciousness looks like. From the new perspective, what previously looked like a mountain now looks like a mole hill. I have felt humbled in this way many times. As soon as the shift occurs, the solution appears to be straightforward and is just simply common sense. This happens to us all the time. We get fresh thought. We have an...

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Peace of Mind Is Only Ever One Thought Away

I read a blog by Tim Ferriss this past week in which he talks about the importance of “deloading.” For him this means having extended periods of being unplugged and taking his foot off the gas. I too am a believer in the rejuvenating benefits of scheduling downtime for doing nothing. In my experience, there is a point when working hard starts to produce diminishing returns unless I recharge. However, this is not meant as a prescriptive technique to use for optimum performance.   It is easy to think that there are specific techniques that if we were simply able to identify...

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How Relationships Can Be a Catalyst for Growth in Consciousness

If the doors of perception were cleansed every thing would appear to man as it is, Infinite. For man has closed himself up, till he sees all things thro’ narrow chinks of his cavern.   —   William Blake, The Marriage of Heaven and Hell   Coaching is about achieving goals. Spiritual understanding helps us recognize there is nowhere to go because we have wellbeing and peace within. Soul-Centered coaching recognizes the spiritual context and supports clients with experiencing an upward shift in consciousness so they can enjoy greater levels of wellbeing and peace. The by-product of this growth is that clients see...

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How to Get Over Insecurity by Embracing It

How easy it is to forget that my self-worth has nothing to do with what I create or don’t create, inside or outside of me. I recognize that I still have beliefs running that I am unworthy because (fill in the blank). My latest proof of unworthiness is my shyness.   I occasionally find myself feeling less than in a group of people. Everyone else looks like they are speaking so freely and naturally. I find myself feeling self-conscious, wanting to share but not knowing what to say. I then believe thoughts that I am less than because I am not contributing....

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Finding Freedom Behind Bars

I spent the weekend with some of the most successful men I know. That is if you measure success by a person’s ability:   to be an effective communicator through expressing openly, honestly, and authentically, to be emotionally mature, accountable, and to take personal responsibility, to be committed to supporting the betterment, growth and development of others, to be generous, to recognize the importance of family and relationships, and to not go against personal values in order to fit in, even if it places one’s life at risk.   It just so happens that these men live at Valley State Prison.   I have been four times to Valley State Prison...

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We Are All in Recovery — Recovery of Our True Selves

I went to a workshop this week with Dr. Gabor Maté speaking about addiction. Maté spoke about the relationship between the trauma of unmet primary attachment needs and addiction. He defined the essence of trauma as not what happens to us, but the result of an internal disconnection from the body and the awareness of emotions. He sees what happens internally as creating trauma. He did not stay within the traditional realm of psychology in order to address the trauma. Instead, he quoted an unnamed spiritual teacher in California as saying, “The greater calamity is the lost connection with your...

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Success Coaching — Helping Clients See How They Can Take the Lid Off Their Potential

There is a distinction between coaching someone through teaching them techniques and providing them with structure and accountability so they can achieve more of their goals, and with coaching someone through teaching them about the spiritual context of how their experience is created. With the first approach it appears obvious how it would support greater levels of success in the world. With the second, it isn’t so clear how it fosters a higher level of achievement, but in my experience it is the far more effective method for igniting authentic, sustainable success.   It is the difference between teaching someone to fish...

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Soul-Centered Coaching: Opening Doors to Possibility and Living Into Potential

Traditional coaching focuses on working hard and achieving goals through determination and accountability. It emphasizes the importance of individual effort and sees success as being the result of labor expended. Consequently, lack of success would mean you didn’t work hard enough. There are a plethora of motivational quotes to support this perspective such as:   “Nothing worth having comes easy.” — Theodore Roosevelt  and   “The difference between the impossible and the possible lies in a person’s determination.” — Tommy Lasorda     However, in these times of stressed out individuals working so very hard, but experiencing less quality of life, coaching would benefit from using a wider...

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