Video and Audio | Rohini Ross - Part 15

The Soul-Centered Series Webinar with Judith Sedgeman

Here is the recording of today's webinar with Judith Sedgeman. I apologize for the technical difficulties with the video quality. The sound quality is better. Judith shared beautifully how we each have to come to our own realizations and experience the deeper truth that gives us more inner freedom through our own personal truth. Hope you enjoy the webinar, and please share your reflections in the comments below.   If you prefer to listen, click here for the audio version.   Rohini Ross is the founder and presenter of The Soul-Centered Series: Psychology, Spirituality and the Teachings of Sydney Banks that starts October 2018...

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Sometimes Shame Gets the Better of Us

Angus shares how he feels he did a bad job with public speaking. I point out that it is impossible for him to know how he did when he is experiencing so much self-judgment. It is easy to be hard on ourselves when we are gripped by our thoughts of shame and feeling the effect of them. Going over what happened does not help. It breathes more life into the critical thoughts and results in more intense feelings of shame and less perspective. The best way we have found to navigate shame is to recognize when what we are thinking...

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Q & A for the Soul-Centered Series with Rohini Ross

Rohini shares the inspiration behind the program and how the understanding of the Principles has impacted her life. To learn more about the Soul-Centered Series: Psychology, Spirituality and the Teachings of Sydney Banks click on this link:

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How the Principles Helped Me Go From One Foot Out the Door to Being “All In” in my Marriage

In this 3PGC webinar, Rohini speaks to how the understanding of the Principles transformed her relationship with herself and her husband. Instead of being at the effect of her insecure thinking, she was able to find an inner foundation of security that allowed her to be “all-in” in her marriage and her life.   Become a 3PGC member: and receive all the email announcements about the webinars and more.   Rohini Ross is the founder and presenter of The Soul-Centered Series: Psychology, Spirituality and the Teachings of Sydney Banks that starts October 2018 in Santa Monica, CA. She is passionate about helping people...

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Rohini’s Nocturnal Foibles

I have a reputation of being able to sleep through anything other than the slightest of electronic sounds. Angus makes a good point in the Vlog that the difference is that I have more thinking about electronic noises and judgments about him not turning off his phone than I do about other sounds and that is why I don’t sleep through them. Just another example of how thought creates our experience. So useful to be able to see the role thought plays in life. In a very practical way, I might just get less bothered when Angus forgets to turn...

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The Soul-Centered Series Webinar with Dicken Bettinger

In this webinar, Dicken shares how the teachings of Sydney Banks shifted his work as a psychologist and his own views on personal development. Sydney Banks was the first person Dicken heard say that everyone has innate wellbeing inside of them but for their thinking.   If you would like to learn more about the six-month program The Soul-Centered Series: Psychology, Spirituality, and the Teachings of Sydney Banks click here.  ...

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Teenage Shenanigans

Parenting can be challenging at times, and parenting teenagers takes it to a whole other level. Angus and I recognize that we can both take our daughters’ behavior personally at times. When we do, we aren’t present to what is going on with them. We are caught up in our own stories, making it about us, and that does not help our parenting. It is easy to forget that we live in separate realities and judge their behavior as not making sense. What were you thinking is a statement that often comes to mind, but from a place of judgment...

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Angus and the Illusion of Listening

Listening is something that is so natural and simple, yet many people, Angus and I included, don’t do it all the time. We think we are listening or we give the impression that we are listening, but we are not fully present. Our mind is elsewhere. When this happens we miss out on connection and intimacy with another, but ultimately what we miss is the connection with ourselves. We feel our personal thoughts more than the oneness of who we all are.   Angus and I are not sharing this as a technique. There is no technique for listening. You are either...

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Rohini is Just So Forward

In this week’s Vlog, you get to see how Rohini's ability to take on the journey of life and course correct like a nimble sloop has shown a lot more virtue than Angus’ steady as you go freight ship! Rohini’s will to get out on the open sea as quickly as possible proves to be a lot more fruitful than Angus’ need to stay in the harbor worrying about the Leviathan.   Rohini and Angus are both coaches. They work with individuals, leaders, and organizations to increase performance and success. They also love working with couples and helping them reduce conflict and...

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Lost Car Key Frenzy

Angus had an adventure with lost car keys. His fear of disappointing others got in the way of his clarity and he lost his bearings. He knew he was back on solid ground when he was able to find humor in the situation. Angus was able to see how he had been revving his thinking up not realizing he had lost his bearings. Knowing when we are in a storm of thinking is helpful because we recognize it will pass. It is also more obvious to be more gentle with ourselves as we ride out the distress and easier to...

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