Less Stress More Living | Rohini Ross - Part 10

The Secret Behind Optimal Performance That Doesn’t Require Effort

The traditional focus for improving performance whether it is individual or organizational, is to work on improving motivation, ability and behavior. The premise is, that the most important variables for success are knowledge, skills and effort. From this perspective, all that is needed to get better results is to work harder, learn new and better skills, and be vigilant with self-discipline. This may produce incremental increases in results, but what happens when we reach the limit of how hard we can work, how self-disciplined we can be, and how skilled we can become? Does that mean performance has to stagnate?...

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Soul-Centered Coaching: Opening Doors to Possibility and Living Into Potential

Traditional coaching focuses on working hard and achieving goals through determination and accountability. It emphasizes the importance of individual effort and sees success as being the result of labor expended. Consequently, lack of success would mean you didn’t work hard enough. There are a plethora of motivational quotes to support this perspective such as:   “Nothing worth having comes easy.” — Theodore Roosevelt  and   “The difference between the impossible and the possible lies in a person’s determination.” — Tommy Lasorda     However, in these times of stressed out individuals working so very hard, but experiencing less quality of life, coaching would benefit from using a wider...

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You Are Not a Fixer Upper — You Are Perfect Exactly as You Are!

Quite a long time ago, while visiting Japan I was graciously served tea from a bowl that had once been broken. Its cracks had been repaired with gold. I was struck by the beauty of an accepted and accentuated imperfection, one with no attempt to cover-up damage or disappear history. — Barbara Bloom  I am writing from a personal point of view, but my intention is to point to the impersonal and not be self-indulgent. I remember watching American Idol and hearing Simon Cowell give singers feedback they were self-indulgent. Then other singers would be praised because their performances were transcendent....

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You Can Wake Up From the Illusion of Your Insecurities

“Why are you unhappy? Because 99.9 percent of everything you think, and of everything you do, is for yourself — and there isn’t one.“ — Wei Wu Wei  There are times when self-worth is not an issue for me. I don’t think about it. I confidently do whatever I need to do. I feel self-assured. These times I am not thinking about myself. I am doing, serving, being, enjoying the moment. Other times I feel filled with insecurity and feelings of unworthiness. At these times, I become self-focused and see all of the things I don’t like about myself. I can...

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How I Let Go of Financial Stress and Found Peace of Mind

I belong to a Mastermind Group where we rotate the opportunity for each member to take a deep dive and receive support and feedback from the group meeting to meeting. It was my turn, and I shared I was feeling overwhelmed with being the main financial provider for my family. My husband recently left his full-time job to join forces with me in my consulting practice. This is absolutely the right move for us, and our family, but I was feeling under pressure.   As a result of sharing my fears out loud, my thinking settled. I began to see more clearly....

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Use Shame as a Compass to Steer Clear of Limiting Beliefs

And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom. — Anaïs Nin  I had an experience of shame recently. The belly dropping, sinking feeling, burning in the solar plexus kind of shame. I noticed how visceral the experience was. After it happened, I saw how the thinking that initiated my emotional response had been outside of my conscious awareness. It happened so fast. All of a sudden the feeling was present.   In the past, I would have reacted to my shame. I would have used my emotional experience...

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Experience Greater Resilience — Take Managing Your Moods Off Your To-Do List

It is easy to get attached to the feeling of a good mood. It is understandable to want try to hold on to a good feeling or try to recreate it. Self-help and mainstream psychology focus on teaching techniques to help us control and manipulate our moods so we feel good. They create an illusion of vulnerability by teaching us something is wrong when we are in a low mood, and we should try to change it.   The challenge is, we are not capable of controlling our moods. It is impossible to never have a low mood. Fluctuation of mood is...

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