mental health | Rohini Ross

Take The Pressure Off

Take the pressure off and just be you! This is what allows relationships to flourish. I did used to get more frustrated and critical with Angus' absentmindedness, but that was about me being caught up in my thoughts and not him. Now I usually find it endearing and often very humorous. We are encouraging you to stop making up expectations and putting pressure on yourself to live up to those made up expectations. Instead, recognize that who you are is more than enough. You are beautiful, magnificent, glorious exactly as you are no matter what your thoughts, feelings and behaviors...

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The Ordinariness of Happiness and Peace of Mind!

Wishing you a Happy, Healthy and Prosperous New Year filled with love! May you remember that you are enough exactly as you are and that peace and contentment are your true nature. They are your birthright. There is nothing extra you need to do to experience the essence of who you are. Knowing what direction to look in and letting go, relaxing, allowing and being open is all it takes. You can’t work at it.   I’m looking forward to the upcoming New Year Fresh Start Workshop that Barb Patterson and I are co-facilitating this weekend in Santa Monica! We have a...

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