Spirituality | Rohini Ross - Part 8

The Soul-Centered Series Webinar with Dicken Bettinger

In this webinar, Dicken shares how the teachings of Sydney Banks shifted his work as a psychologist and his own views on personal development. Sydney Banks was the first person Dicken heard say that everyone has innate wellbeing inside of them but for their thinking.   If you would like to learn more about the six-month program The Soul-Centered Series: Psychology, Spirituality, and the Teachings of Sydney Banks click here.  ...

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The Answer to More Motivation and Greater Productivity

I love this story from the book Art & Fear by David Bayles and Ted Orland:   The ceramics teacher announced on opening day that he was dividing the class into two groups. All those on the left side of the studio, he said, would be graded solely on the quantity of work they produced, all those on the right solely on its quality. His procedure was simple: on the final day of class he would bring in his bathroom scales and weigh the work of the "quantity" group: fifty pounds of pots rated an "A", forty pounds a "B", and so...

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Help, I Am Hurting! Where is My Peace of Mind?

When I found myself writing similar messages to clients who were experiencing distress and who reached out for support, I thought it might be helpful to share my thoughts with a wider audience. Let me know in the comments if what I am sharing is helpful or if you have questions.   When you are upset it looks like another person or a circumstance is the cause of your distress. Your emotions make this feel very real. It does not occur to you that your experience is created inside of you. It is hard to have perspective and see that your thinking...

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Love Is The Way Forward

I just watched the Royal Wedding of Prince Harry and Ms. Meghan Markle. I was surprised to find myself so deeply moved. I especially loved the rendition of ‘Stand By Me’ performed by Karen Gibson and the Kingdom Choir and Bishop Michael Curry’s Sermon. My favorite part of his sermon was:   …think and imagine a world where love is the way. Imagine our homes and families when love is the way. Imagine neighborhoods and communities where love is the way. Imagine governments and nations where love is the way. Imagine business and commerce when love is the way. Imagine this tired...

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Letting Go of Judgment and World Peace: What Do They Have in Common?

Grief shook my foundation. It left me feeling foggy. My days felt like they were moving in slow motion. My energy seemed to be sapped out of me. Even my physical self felt less solid. It was like my joints were more loosely connected. I felt less held together in all ways. One of the blessings of this disruption was becoming more of a witness to my habitual thoughts. I didn't realize how much I thought about Bella through out the day and how much of a place she held in my life. I know the loss of a dog is...

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How is a Spiritual Understanding Helpful When You Feel Overwhelmed?

I have been navigating some turbulent times. Difficult things are happening around me, an unexpected death, bad news for a friend related to a serious health diagnosis. Wonderful things are happening too, a new corporate client, the successful launch of The Engaged Space experiment with Barb Patterson. I am also being called to stretch beyond my comfort zone and present as an expert witness in a deposition. It feels like a lot.   I know my internal experience comes from inside of me.  I understand that my feeling state is created from my own thoughts in each moment and is not a result...

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You are the Dreamer: See that and You See Your Infinite Potential

This thought occurred to me this week, "Our job is not to change the dream. It is to wake up from the dream, and then dream the dream from that awakening." Once we see we are the dreamer, we live in the dream in a completely different way.   All of the how to programs out there focus on how to change our experience in the dream -- how to enjoy the dream more with greater inner peace or more toys. Inner or outer, it doesn't really matter if we don't know we are the dreamer. Whether we are trying to change our thinking...

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He Said, She Said: Letting Go and Getting Reflective Beats Freaking Out

Angus and I are spending a few days in a northern paradise while we attend the 3P school. I love what Angus shares about how as soon as he stopped focusing on his upset and got more reflective, his mind relaxed, and he got the information he needed. I can certainly relate! When I get caught up in my thoughts of stress and worry it is such a relief to be able to unglue myself and drop into my natural state. I was really moved by his experience of connecting more deeply with his true nature and knowing the intelligence...

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From Nothing Comes Everything

I am the product of East meets West. I have a Sri Lankan father and an English mother. When it comes to spirituality, I like the best of both worlds. In the East emptiness is sought after and revered. In the West, it is feared and seen as nihilistic. The West seems to prefer the fullness of love. For me, both are true.   In the fleeting moments when I experience emptiness, the space where there is nothing. It is in this nothingness that I experience everything. It is in that space that I touch the most exquisite feelings I have ever known.   One...

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“What Is” Beats a Good Idea Every Time!

I have ideas about God. They are not God. I have ideas about spirituality. They are not spirituality. This is of course common sense, but I didn't realize how enamored I had become with my ideas about my spiritual nature. I noticed recently I was seeking to live up to my ideas rather than simply experiencing what is. My ideas about spirituality were grandiose and extraordinary; however, I now see that my experience of my spiritual nature is often simple and ordinary. I kept dismissing this effortless wellbeing looking for the fireworks.  I have experienced the mind blowing force of...

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