Impossible to Possible: Easier Than You Think | Rohini Ross
Impossible to Possible: Easier Than You Think

Impossible to Possible: Easier Than You Think

Whether it is trying to solve a crossword puzzle or reconnect in your relationship, the solution comes from the same place: a new thought, a fresh realization, a new way of seeing things. What looks impossible from a sped up, stirred up mind, contracted mind is obvious and common sense when you look at it with fresh eyes and a clear, relaxed, open mind.

Understanding the contracting and expanding nature of your mind makes life so much easier. You don’t need to control or manage yourself when you have a glimpse of how the mind works. With understanding, it is easier to go with the flow of your experience no matter what it is, and it is easier to recognize when to trust your thoughts and when to ignore them.

What is your equivalent of Angus crossword puzzle experience?


Rohini and Angus are both coaches. They work with individuals, leaders, and organizations to increase performance and success. They also love working with couples and helping them to reduce conflict and discord so they can experience more love and harmony in their relationships. They co-facilitate individualized three-day couples intensives that support the deepening of connection and understanding. They work with couples who are struggling and couples who would like to deepen the love and intimacy they already have. Rohini is the author of Marriage (The Soul-Centered Series Book 1) and founder of The Soul-Centered Series: Psychology, Spirituality and the Teachings of Sydney Banks being offered in Santa Monica, California starting October 2018. You can also subscribe to her weekly blog that includes this weekly Vlog on her website,

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