Anger and Taking Things Personally | Rohini Ross
Anger and Taking Things Personally

Anger and Taking Things Personally

Angus has a hard start to the day so he wanted a bit of a do-over when answering a question about taking things personally. Rohini can’t keep a straight face when he talks about climbing El Capitan without “cling-ons.” We hope the take away is that when we take things personally and our feelings get hurt, remember that is a reflection of your state of mind in the moment. Even if you have done something wrong, the feedback doesn’t have to be taken personally. It can be received with an open mind and an open heart so that there can be greater love and understanding reached. And anger isn’t wrong. Feeling hurt is not wrong. They both happen as a normal part of our human experience. They are very healthy emotional experiences, what matters is what we do when we are in that experience. When you open to your feelings and allow them to move through you, you open to the life force and the wisdom within them. We would love to hear in the comments what you find helpful in this area.


Angus & Rohini Ross are “the Rewilders.” They love working with couples and helping them to reduce conflict and discord in their relationships by pointing them to their innate wisdom and understanding. They work with couples who are struggling and couples who would like to deepen the love and intimacy they already have. They co-facilitate individualized couples intensives that rewild relationships back to their natural state of love. Rohini is the author of the free ebook Relationships, and they are co-founders of The 29-Day Rewilding Experience and The Rewilding Community. You can also subscribe to Rohini’s weekly blog that includes their weekly Vlog on her website,


  • Susan Horenn

    29.06.2020 at 08:09 Reply

    Angus and Rohini ,
    I really enjoy listening to both of you ! Thank you for being so warm , funny and down to earth . I want to start listening to the 29 day rewilding journey from day 1. I joined towards the end. Can you please tell me how to go back and start it. I get a sign up sheet with payment requirements and should already be on a continuous monthly membership.
    Thanks so much

    • Rohini

      29.06.2020 at 11:55 Reply

      Hi Susan, Thanks so much for your comment. Glad you enjoy the Vlogs. I’ve sent you an email with the information on how to access the membership pages for the Rewilding Experience and the Rewilding Community. Love, Rohini

  • Sally Pearson

    30.06.2020 at 09:34 Reply

    Tell Angus not to worry we can’t hear the teenagers talking in the kitchen on the webinar.

    • Rohini

      30.06.2020 at 17:57 Reply

      Thanks for the heads up Sally! 🙂

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