Relax and Enjoy Your Wild and Precious Life | Rohini Ross
Relax and Enjoy Your Wild and Precious Life

Relax and Enjoy Your Wild and Precious Life

Writing is something I have wanted to make a career of for many years. While modeling I was asked to write a blog for Vogue online, but I wasn’t one who mingled with the rich and famous, so I wanted to write about alternative health and healing. That wasn’t their cup of tea, so it didn’t go anywhere. Over the years, I have made forays into starting a blog, written bits and pieces and then stopped. My writing seemed too self-centered and angst filled. I’m not sure if that will be different now, but what has changed is my ability to see the humor and beauty in my humanness. I am no longer a spiritual seeker. Instead, I am surrendering to my spiritual nature. I have seen how I can turn anything into work, and that is what I did with my spiritual practice. I made connecting with my true nature a process of doing rather than an experience of accepting.


Now I have a deeper appreciation for how there is nothing to do to be enlightened, or awakened. There is simply acceptance. I am not saying that “I,” my small self, is enlightened. I am saying that my true nature is enlightened, and that I don’t need to work at that. My capacity to experience my true nature and experience my enlightenment is a function of how capable I am of being fully present in the moment with a quiet personal mind.


This may sound like the lazy person’s guide to enlightenment. After all, why do people sit in meditation for hours, why do people practice ascetic life styles, why do people become yogis or yoginis, why do people do pilgrimages? Well, I hope they do those things because they enjoy them, and that is how they want to play the game of life. Just like I like to play the game of life by writing, reading, teaching, hiking and being a wife, mother, and friend among other things. These are all fun ways to experience being human, but they are not required to experience your true nature — your awakened self. It is time for people, myself included, to get off of the strive bandwagon and to realize they have arrived.


You have the “everything” you are looking for inside of you. There is nothing to do to feel whole and complete. In fact, it is in the doing nothing that allows the everything to be experienced fully. Beware, don’t turn doing nothing into a technique. There is no prescription. Just know you can’t mess it up. Your spiritual nature cannot be lost. Relax, be yourself, and have fun. Allow the uniqueness of your magnificence guide what Mary Oliver would call, “your one wild and precious life.”

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