He Said, She Said: Eccentricities and Quirks Charming or Deal-breakers | Rohini Ross
He Said, She Said: Eccentricities and Quirks Charming or Deal-breakers

He Said, She Said: Eccentricities and Quirks Charming or Deal-breakers

Eccentricities and quirks in our partner are amusing and even charming when there is goodwill. However, they can look like the cause of incompatibility when you are in a low mood. Angus and I share how we are much better at dealing with our differences now. Angus gives the example of how he still finds my sleep inconsistencies baffling, but not a cause of conflict, and I can’t resist sharing about his nighttime howling.


Angus and Rohini are both coaches. They work with individuals, leaders and organizations to increase performance and success. They also love working with couples and helping them reduce conflict and discord so they can experience more love and harmony in their relationships. They co-facilitate individualized three-day couple’s retreats that support the deepening of connection and understanding. They work with couples who are struggling and couples who would like to deepen the love and intimacy they already have. rohiniross.com

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